Learn the Art of Massage




This course is dedicated to massage techniques. I would also like to emphasize the art and ways to connect. When your mind quiets, you can begin to see with your hands, a developed intuitive sense where creativity emerges. At this time, your focus on technique fades and your confidence emerges.

I encourage you to use this course as a guide to learning the fundamentals of massage and develop your own ways of working together. Feedback is a crucial element to sharing this experience. This course is meant to inspire you and give you tools to develop a practice of taking better care of yourself and the people in your life.

Through this work a deeper level of compassion for yourself and your relationship is likely to unfold, nourishing your relationships and deepening your connections. I will teach you massage through words and photos – the feelings you put into it will come from your heart. Relax and be open to awakening your senses and feelings.

I have created this course so you can tap in and out – refreshing your memory as you go. It will enable you to find quick ideas or solutions to help relax and heal your partner. And truly just one minute a day will make all the difference.