Java Exception Handling For Certification & Interviews




The student can get complete knowledge on the following topics:

1. Introduction to Exception Handling

2. Runtime Stack Mechanism

3. Default Exception Handling

4. Exception Heirarchy and Difference between Exception and Error

5. Difference between Checked and Unchekced Exceptions

6. Difference between Fully-Checked and Partially-Checked Exceptions

7. Customized Exception Handling By using try-catch

8. Control-Flow inside try-catch

9. Methods to print exception information

10. Exception Handling:try with multiple catch blocks

11. Exception Handling:Purpose and speciality of finally block

12. Exception Handling:finally block vs return statement

13. Exception Handling:finally block vs System.exit()

14. Control-Flow in try-catch-finally

15. Nested try-catch-finally

16. Control-Flow in nested try-catch-finally

17. Various Possible combinations of try-catch-finally

18. Need of throw keyword

19. Important cases related to throw keyword

20. Need and Usage of throws keyword

21. throws keyword across multiple methods

22. Important cases related to throws keyword

23. Exception Handling Keywords summary and various possible compile time errors

24. Difference between final, finally and finalize()

25. User Defined or Customized Exception

26. How to define and use User Defined or Customized Exception

27. Top – 10 Exceptions

28. Try with Resources

29. Important Conclusions about Try with Resources

30. Multi Catch Block

31. Exception Propagation and Re throwing an Exception

32. Exception Handling 9 Practice Questions & Explanation