
Microsoft Excel – Learn MS EXCEL For DATA Analysis



If you want to learn how to use Excel to be able to perform different task, this course is definitely for you!!

Excel is one of the most popular apps used today and is a very important asset to know to survive in the business world. My goal with this course is really help you better understand how this app works and how it can be properly used for data analysis and other things. Also this course will give you the opportunity to exercise your knowledge with four major projects that will be done.

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn to write down basic excel formulas
  • Understand how to think outside of the box to create powerful excel projects
  • Learn how to make basic data analysis with Excel
  • Learn how to work with massive amount of data

Topics for this course

27 Lessons5h

Section 1: Introduction

1. Introduction9:30
2. What is data analysis9:18

Section 2: The Bases of Excel

Section 3: Project 1: Project analysis

Section 4: Project 2 evaluation of a stock

Section 5: Project 3: Create a basic movie suggestion program

Section 6: Project 4: Creation of a HR management APP

Section 7: Conclusion

About the instructors

Hogan Chua

0 ratings (0 )
25 Courses
5 students


Course Details


  • Having microsoft excel
  • Having a minimum of knowledge about this app

Target Audience

  • People interested to get new skills
  • People who want to learn Excel by creating projects themselves