Section 2: Get your mindset aligned for Success
2. Why having a goal will keep you from getting what you want3:15
3. Say this 100 times a day to get what you want faster7:42
Section 3: Setting yourself up for Success
4. Time To Activate Your Financial Wealth8:31
5. Lets get you SET UP to make money online11:17
6. How To Make MONEY on Automatic Pilot11:49
7. All Eye Balls On You?8:23
8. Good Stuff IN = Good Stuff Out2:57
9. Time To Get Pregnant15:32
Section 4: Start achieving financial Success
10. How To Surrender So That You Can Receive Financial Wealth7:43
11. 3 Key Secrets On How To Get People To Give You Money8:35
12. Time For Some Millionaire Secrets6:35