
The ABCD of Blogging



When we often search Google or any other search engine for any topic or keywords, we come across a minimum of some thousands of search results, and most of them are BLOGS… And the more the blog is used, more it will be liked and shared and you will start getting invitations to write more.

Do you feel you have some abstract knowledge about your field that can be actually helpful to others? Can it be value added information? Can you express it in a way that others would love to read? If your answer is ‘YES’ for all these questions, the world is waiting for you.

Start sharing your knowledge through blogging. Grow as you develop yourselves too….

What Will I Learn?

  • What is a Blog?
  • The paper work before planning a blog.
  • Basic brainstorming when you are planning for Blog writing.
  • Learn to decide your Niche, Blog Name and type.
  • Understand the basic anatomy of the blog writing.
  • Earn through Blogging
  • Prepare Subconsciously for Blog writing with NLP guided Visualizations.

Topics for this course

27 Lessons3h

Section 1: Introduction

1. Introduction 14:26
2. Introduction to the Course and Course Outline3:12

Section 2: All about blogging

Section 3: Basics skills for Blogging

Section 4: Beginner’s Tips: Write an “IRRESISTIBLE BLOG”

Section 5: Earning through Blogging

Section 6: Subconscious Conditioning as a Blogger: Throug…

Section 7: Conclusion

About the instructors

Hogan Chua

0 ratings (0 )
25 Courses
5 students


Course Details

  • Level: Beginner
  • Total Hour: 3h
  • Total Lessons: 27
  • Total Enrolled: 1
  • Last Update:


  • For this particular course you do not require anything more then the knowledge about the subject you are willing to BLOG on.
  • Let it be your subject of study or your subject of hobby, you should have some basic information in regards with the same and something that you can share about it.
  • Plus have a Printer, a Pencil, a Notepad/diary to note your ideas and your Blogger Self..

Target Audience

  • Beginner Bloggers who think they have much to share but do not know where to start.
  • Beginner's Course before hitting the web with blog writing idea