0. 033 Use Hex Code for Specific Colors8:42
0. 045 Use a media query to change a variable5:42
0. 044 Change a variable for a specific area4:19
0. 043 Inherit CSS Variables7:39
0. 042 Improve Compatibility with Browser Fallbacks6:29
0. 041 Attach a Fallback value to a CSS Variable6:21
0. 040 Use a custom CSS Variable5:56
0. 039 Create a custom CSS Variable2:49
0. 038 Use CSS Variables to change several elements at once6:11
0. 037 Use RGB to Mix Colors2:52
0. 036 Use RGB values to Color Elements5:45
0. 035 Use Abbreviated Hex Code4:52
0. 034 Use Hex Code to Mix Colors5:16
21. 021 Add Different Margins to Each Side of an Element2:27
0. 032 Override All Other Styles by using Important4:16
0. 031 Override Class Declarations with Inline Styles4:29
0. 030 Override Class Declarations by Styling ID Attributes8:46
0. 029 Override Styles in Subsequent CSS5:55
0. 028 Prioritize One Style Over Another4:27
0. 027 Inherit Styles from the Body Element5:34
0. 026 Style the HTML Body Element3:30
0. 025 Understand Absolute versus Relative Units6:13
0. 024 Use Attribute Selectors to Style Elements7:18
0. 023 Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Margin of an Element2:10
0. 022 Use Clockwise Notation to Specify the Padding of an Element3:35