5. A Hello World Program4:46
6. Using Variables7:53
7. Strings: Working With Text9:21
8. While Loops7:15
9. For Loops9:28
10. “If”12:27
11. Getting User Input8:53
12. Do … While8:05
13. Switch6:52
14. Arrays9:46
15. Arrays of Strings8:39
16. Multi-Dimensional Arrays13:06
17. Classes and Objects11:44
18. Methods11:06
19. Getters and Return Values10:32
20. Method Parameters15:00
21. Setters and “this”10:58
22. Constructors10:19
23. Static (and Final)19:47
24. String Builder and String Formatting19:43
25. The toString Method11:07
26. Inheritance14:09
27. Packages14:03
28. Interfaces19:15
29. Public, Private, Protected19:57
30. Polymorphism10:04
31. Encapsulation and the API Docs11:18
32. Casting Numerical Values11:16
33. Upcasting and Downcasting13:55
34. Using Generics12:40
35. Generics and Wildcards17:50
36. Anonymous Classes8:56
37. Reading Files Using Scanner12:56
38. Handling Exceptions16:24
39. Multiple Exceptions12:11
40. Runtime vs. Checked Exceptions8:49
41. Abstract Classes12:58
42. Reading Files With File Reader17:27
43. Try-With-Resources11:12
44. Creating and Writing Text Files6:21
45. The Equals Method17:22
46. Inner Classes16:34
47. Enum Types: Basic and Advanced Usage19:21
48. Recursion: A Useful Trick Up Your Sleeve17:27
49. Serialization: Saving Objects to Files21:17
50. Serializing Arrays14:43
51. The Transient Keyword and More Serialization16:15
52. Passing by Value21:30